@ChristosArgyrop @Perl Not sure that hosting that on SourceForge helps Perl's image :)
@mjgardner @Perl @ChristosArgyrop @ovid Certainly it’s an embarrassment considering #Sourceforge has recently joined the exclusive walled-garden of #Cloudflare. I cannot reach any sourceforge.net/* pages. But I can reach perltidy.sourceforge.net because it’s CF with Tor whitelisted. However, I’ll still avoid it on principle. I don’t think I’ve filed bug reports there but certainly I will not in the future.
@deflarerOfClouds #GitHub has hosted #PerlTidy development for a long time. Please continue to file bug reports there: https://GitHub.com/perltidy/perltidy/issues
You might even consider making a reasonable case to move the project’s remaining assets off #SourceForge. Impotently whinging about it here doesn’t change anything.