Since moving to #NetBSD I've noticed quite a few blocks and unfollows. I get the unfollows but blocks from folk that don't follow me and I don't follow them is strange. Anyway each to their own as they say.
So I'm looking to follow more #BSD family to get more BSD content on my feed so if that's you come say hi and tell me what and why you run said BSD.
Please boost for more reach and thanks in advance.
@swaggboi you can find us hanging out at Matrix BSD room
@jaypatelani Already there we use twincat bsd (aka freebsd) at work for plcs, does that count? I don't post much about that specifically tho
@syn Yes, is BSD!
@pkw Prior to this I only used OpenBSD because it seemed like the go-to for network nerds. It's great don't get me wrong I just found it odd how the inet6 configuration was. Full disclosure though I am using it as a router with several interfaces so that might've been why, I set it up years ago so I can't remember now.
I thought of NetBSD as just being 'the portable one' so I didn't think much of it since I'm always doing x86 but I'm actually just liking it as a general system and now want to experiment with making one a router/firewall... Maybe the 'Net' in the name meant something after all! Who would've thunk
@swaggboi I'm curious; how can you tell you've been blocked? I checked my settings and don't see anything related to blocks.